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When my husband and I became parents it struck me that there was this whole new version of myself, the mother-me, that I hadn’t met yet. Simultaneously,  I was meeting the father-version of my husband for the first time. Not to mention that a baby is in a perpetual state of transition - our lives became one ever-changing dynamic system to constantly re-navigate and explore. I experienced changes in my body, identity, capacity (think sleep deprivation), schedule, relationships, energy, priorities, values, and interests. It all takes time to process and engage with well. It doesn’t end after the first three months either - parenting is transition after transition:

“The kids started school - how do I want to use this new time?”
“The kids just became teenagers, how do I navigate relationships with these budding adults?”
“My kids just moved out - who am I and what do I want now?”

You care so much about your family. Giving yourself the time to get clear on, and care for your own needs and desires allows you to bring your best self forward to your family.

Please remember that coaching is not advice and I am not a parenting “expert”. This is a space for you to get clear on who you are as a parent and how you want to engage each stage.

    Transition Coaching in parenthood can offer the opportunity to navigate each new stage with courage, confidence, and clarity. Together we may explore topics such as (but definitely not limited to):

    • Designing structure in life and relationship for personal wellness
    • Designing your support system through early postpartum 
    • Work-Life Balance. How to navigate the ongoing demands of work alongside the new responsibilities of a growing family
    • Decisions related to parenting approaches
    • Decisions related to parenting logistics ie. choosing a school etc. 
    • Relationship changes
    • Career changes
    • Energy and capacity changes
    • Priority or value changes
    • Identity questions
    • Self-care